The Monte-Carlo Pavilions, designed by renowned architect Richard Martinet, stand as a remarkable fusion of innovation and sophistication in...
The Casino Café de Paris marked its 24/7 opening in grand style with an extraordinary celebration on 27 September...
When it comes to creating unforgettable events, we thrive on turning unique ideas into reality. Recently, we were tasked...
This past weekend, we had the privilege of organizing a breathtaking birthday celebration on a stunning island near Cannes....
Attend the Opéra de Monte-Carlo The 2014-2015 season offers some stellar acts, including a performance by the Argentinian tenor...
At Bubble Event, we take pride in creating extraordinary experiences, and this beachside wedding celebration on the French Riviera...
The International Club of the Riviera in association with Events by George! invites you to the FIFA World Cup...
Leonardo DiCaprio is hosting his first ever charity gala in St. Tropez and it’s going to be fab. ...